At Piccolo House, we ensure all our products are original and they are sourced from the original sources. Piccolo House is the authorised reseller for all brands*. Our brands partners are working very hard in creating, designing, sourcing and tesing these beautiful and original products. Unfortunately, these designs are widely copied and worst, the original photo materials or other material are reused, copy and make available to public without permit authorization.

We want to highlight that all original products meet the quality standards for your safe use. If you have purchased imitation products from other non-authorised reseller/s, we strictly reserve our rights to reject any unreasonable consumers’ requests.

We are fighting counterfeit on daily basis and we want to ask for your help in tackling counterfeit problem by not buying counterfeit products.

*Our Brands Partners are

  1. Great Little Trading Company (UK)
  2. Lilipinso (FR)
  3. Eglue (FR)
  4. Patersonrose (NZ)
  5. Snurk (NL)
  6. The Little Lovely Company (NL)
  7. Piccolo House (SG)We respect intellectual property that create by the creative people not the copycats! Thank you for your support!